Friday, 14 October 2011

Being Strong

Just because you feel weak,
doubt yourself, and feel lost,
doesn't mean you're not strong.

Being strong is
more than looking the part.
Being strong is
pushing through.
Being strong is
being able to admit when you're beaten down.
Being strong is
knowing what you want and going after it
no matter the hurt.

You don't have to look strong,
you just have to be strong.


★Terima kasih Allah kerana mengurniakan teman yang mampu membuatkan aku mengingatiMu di saat aku lalai... biar tak pernah bertemu di dunia, aku hanya mengharapkan pertemuan di akhirat.

Thank You so much Allah..


  1. walaupun mungkin syafa buat bib tak beruntung ada sahabat macam syafa tapi syafa nak cakap yang syafa beruntung punyai usrati macam bib;)

  2. Jzkk syafa.. Huhu, bib bukan siapa2...
